Tuesday 13 November 2012

Telling tales and making maps

The story of "Little Red Riding Hood" seems to have really captivated and inspired the little learners. 
One of the activities today involved them making a drawing of the route from "Little Red Riding Hood's" house, to Grandma's cottage. The little learners were very keen to include all the characters from the story in their drawings and some of them wanted to have a go at labelling them too. So, when a little learner approached Mrs Very Jolly and asked her how to write the word "woodpecker," she was somewhat surprised. 
"I don't remember a woodpecker appearing in the story of "Little Red Riding Hood." Said Mrs Very Jolly.
"Yes there was!" Insisted the little learner. "He was chopping wood in the forest with his axe and he was Little Red Riding Hood's Dad and he saved her from the nasty wolf."
"Aahh!" Giggled Mrs Very Jolly. "I see where you're coming from."

Deep in the forest, the Woodpecker was hard at work chopping wood, when suddenly he heard Little Red Riding Hood scream..... 

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